I Don’t Believe in Government
I don't believe in government.
I don't believe the government should be getting into the health insurance business. But since free market companies have no interest in finding a solution for 15 million uninsured Americans, and countless more who are either under-insured or who will lose their insurance the moment they get sick, I guess they'll have to.
I don't believe the government should regulate an American's right to bear arms. But when, every day, over a thousand people use a gun to inflict violence on innocent people, I guess we need to make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands.
I don't believe government should use tax payer money to pay for free school lunches and breakfasts. But since every day more and more children are coming to school with nothing to eat, either because their parents couldn't afford food or were too irresponsible to provide it, I guess it's better than letting them go hungry.
I don't believe government should be the ones exploring the moon. But since I can't trust a private company to do it without defiling its surface with billboards and advertisements, I guess we'll have to trust NASA.
I don't believe government should be able to dictate what is and is not a "non-denominational prayer." But since majority faiths have shown themselves all too willing to use their beliefs to bully "minority" believers in the public forum, I guess it's the best they can do.
I don't believe in government. I agree with people when they say "government is not the answer." The problem is, nowadays, neither is anything else. At least it's trying to tackle the tough issues that we, the media, the free market, the average citizen, have washed our hands of. At least it's trying to do something where no one else is.
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